RETENTION Behavioral Assessment


Encounter Details


Part A: General

Part B: Perceived Risks/Severity

Have you ever been told that you need to do any of the following

Come to the clinic regularly to monitor your blood pressure*
Take medication to manage your high blood pressure*
Control your weight*
Reduce your salt intake*
Exercise more(E.g. Digging,running etc.)*
Reducing your alcohol use*
Reducing or stopping tobaco use *

Are you currently.....

Controlling your weight*
Reducing your salt intake*
Exercising more*
Reducing your alcohol use*
Reducing or stopping your tobacco use*

Sometimes we have trouble doing what the health care provider says. Have you ever...

If you have high blood pressure and you don't seek care, do you think you are at risk of...

Having a stroke*
Develop kidney failure*
Develop heart disease*

Part C: Perceived Barriers
Have you delayed or not sought care for your high blood pressure for any of the following reasons:

You lacked fare*
You lacked the mode of transportation*
You lacked money to pay for the medical procedure fee and blood pressure drugs*
You thought it was more important to spend your money on school fees, food, or farm inputs*
Limited services at the health facility*
Long queues at the health facility*
Corruption (taking bribes, Favoritism in queues, denial of service)at the health facility*
You don't think continuing care makes a difference *
You didn't have time/You could not take time off from the responsibilities you have*
You preferred traditional herbal medicine*
You received medication from your friend or family member*
You bought your own medication from the chemist/shop*
You believe your faith will heal you*
It is burdensome to take blood pressure drugs every day*

Part D: Emotional Factors
Have you delayed or discontinued care for your blood pressure in the last three months because you areā€¦

Afraid of the stigma associated with high blood pressure*
Afraid of being seen at the AMPATH facility because of possible HIV stigma*
Afraid of the chronic nature of high blood pressure*
Afraid of taking high blood pressure drugs*

Part E: Motivation

What factors encourage you to seek hypertension care (Please do not read the options aloud to the patient; select only those that the patient mentions on her own accord)*

Part F: Confidence